BOGNOSTRACLUM CHARACTER PROFILE  By Josh Isaacson, Teddy Ruxpin Online Webmaster

Ickley Bognostraclum is of course, the MAVO gate keeper, there to remind you of, and quote verse from, the MAVO handbook - including such rules as "Applications for MAVO membership accepted only during Membership Drives". He usually starts out his tirade by giving the exact chapter and paragraph of the rule he's about to quote. I think everyone has probably worked for or with someone a lot like Ickley.

Ickley's character didn't have a lot of depth, the farthest  we got into his character was his crankyness to MAVO members about rules and regulations and his sudden change to enthusiastic MAVO patriot if Quellor was around- "Yes Your Mightyness!"
Ickley was pretty much slapstick and rightfully so. We don't know anything about his past, what species he is, or where in Grundo his kind hails from, and episodes where he appeared, which were usually in clusters and few and far between, usually featured him for only a few seconds, but the humor he brought to the series to me is irreplacable. A monster who clearly takes his job to heart, he wasn't very fond of losing it late in the series, when a MAVO shakeup saw Quellor imprisoned and Tweeg (And LB at one point) become Supreme Opressors of MAVO.
There isn't much more to say about the MAVO member we most love to hate, and if there was, I'm sure there's a paragraph somewhere in the MAVO handbook strictly forbidding me to do so, under threat of "severe" penalty.







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