MY TRIBUTE TO TEDDY  By Mathue Taxion, Teddy Ruxpin FAQ Webmaster


Well, to be truly honest, my interest originally started by just seeing one of the TV ads. However, it wasn't until saw one in person at KB that I was hooked. I can remember it quite clearly. I was there maybe late fall because I recall wearing a medium jacket. I was walking down to visit a friend whose family operated a Pearl eyewear store. As I passed the KB there was a display of the 'single TR' variety with backdrop merrily chattering away as everyone passed him going to and fro. Now the person who had merchandised him there was a skillful person because he sat right under a spotlight that made his eyes sparkle. Now while he was now off center to the storefront, his placement was perfect. I stopped in my tracks! I can't fully describe what I felt, all I knew is I wanted one! Only problem was I was in High school at the time and a TR for Christmas really wasn't an option :D So I bided my time and in fact even had the desire for one a bit until I was in Technical College. At this point the TV series was running and one day I tuned into the second to the last episode. Seeing the show cinched it. I was hooked. In fact, several days later I bought a VCR so I could record it while I was at School. Sometime around in 1988 or 89 during a trip to my local C.O.M.Bs Co. I spotted several large boxes on the basement section. They were value packs with TR, tapes/books and costumes. Since I was now old enough to 'collect' and not get too many concerned looks I snapped up a box. I couldn't believe my excitement at getting the box home, unpacking him and getting him up and running. I'm a bear fan at heart, been so as long as I can recall. I'd nabbed a few in the past years, most of which didn't get displayed. TR was different. He was heavy and wouldn't squish down to nothing; he had a semblance of a body under that fur. During the next few years this little bear helped me through physical and emotional stress at work and school by providing a bit of uplift when I needed it. Eventually I attained a sort of emotional attachment to the toy, to the point he didn't really seem like much of a toy anymore, but a miniature creature himself. This 'presence' also boosted me in my early-20's when I always felt less than stable. Today I'm now past that phase thankfully, but that emotional bond still exists. That original TR sits on my nightstand and gets a regular vacuuming and brushing to keep the dust out of the fur. This 'bond' interestedly enough can be found in many fans so far as I've found, and is perhaps one of those unique aspects of Teddy Ruxpin.




Mathue is the Webmaster of
The Teddy Ruxpin FAQ.





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